Posts Tagged ‘types of material it burns’

Going off-grid with a boiler stove

07 Dec

If you’re of a certain generation, you’ll remember ‘The Good Life’ and Tom and Barbara’s struggles to be self-sufficient in Surbiton. These days, they’d be hailed as eco-pioneers living the off-grid life.

What is going off-grid?
Going off-grid means providing some or all of your energy needs without reliance on public utilities, and in these days of rising gas and electricity bills, it’s an appealing choice. You don’t have to go off the grid all at once, or even completely. But heating your home with a wood burning stove is environmental good practice and sustainable. And the movement is becoming so popular in Britain it may even threaten the monopoly of the utility companies .

How does a wood burning stove help me go off-grid?
Replacing any part of your energy needs with natural fuels can help you cut energy bills – and reduce your carbon footprint. Installing a wood burner is the easiest first step if you intend to go all the way, or a good halfway house if you prefer to rely on gas, oil and electricity for part of your energy needs.

Melinda Idro pellet stove

What’s the best stove to choose?
That depends on just how far off-grid you want to go. For example, a Rayburn cooker will cook you delicious meals and keep your kitchen beautifully warm, but if you want to heat your water and heat the rest of the house, there may be better options for you. This is our choice of the best off-grid stoves for a range of energy needs:

Boiler stove – the best choice if you depend on electricity for heating hot water as they can be fitted to existing plumbing to cut bills and provide heat at the same time – browse our full range Boiler stove here .

Wood pellet stove – pellet stoves require electricity and water sources to run, but can operate like a conventional gas or electric boiler, regulating the release of pellets through a thermostat, meaning you don’t have to keep them refuelled.

Multi-fuel stove – the best multi-fuel stove for going off-grid will depend on the types of material it burns and whether these are readily available in your area. Typically you can burn wood, coal, peat and pellets, but coal will increase your carbon footprint.

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