5 wood burning stove accessories every home should have

10 Mar

There is nothing like the warmth of a wood burning stove on a cold winter’s day. So it’s no surprise that wood burners have become more popular in recent years. Wood burners are not only cheaper to run than gas or electric-powered heating systems, they are better for the environment too.

But buying your stove is just the start, to get the most out of your investment, there are a few must have wood burning stove accessories that every home with a log-burner or range cooker should have. These five accessories will not only make your life easier but ensure your safety as well.

Top essential wood burning stove accessories:

Moisture Meter

Moisture Meter
A must-have accessory for any wood burner, this handy digital moisture meter checks the moisture content of your wood. The lower the moisture content of the wood you burn, the more efficient your stove will be and the sooner your home will heat up.

Stove Pipe Thermometer

Stove Pipe Thermometer
A stove pipe thermometer helps you judge how effectively you are burning your wood. These are great for those of you that are new to wood burning stoves and help ensure your wood burner is working efficiently. This thermometer attaches magnetically to your stove pipe, no special fitting is required, and shows you when your stove is at its most efficient operating temperature.


 are a great way to get even more efficiency from your wood burner. You simply place the fan in front of your stove and allow it to distribute air around your room. This whisper-quiet fan creates its own electricity, helping improve efficiency and distribute heat around the room more evenly.

Fire Guard

Fire Guard
No wood burner should be used without a fire guard. These are especially important if you have young children or pets. Your wood burner can get incredibly hot, so make sure you keep children and pets away from the burner and hearth with a fire guard. We have a range of fire guards to choose from, including traditional and contemporary designs.

Companion Set

Companion Set
Last but not least, you can’t have a wood burner without a companion set. It would be like Laurel without Hardy, or Morecambe without Wise. The companion set is the ultimate wood burning stove accessory. Most companion sets consist of a brush, tongs, shovel and poker. You will need these items if you are to operate your new stove safely and efficiently, so it makes sense to keep them by the wood burner, where they are handy. We offer a full range of companion sets to suit most tastes. With both contemporary and traditional designs available.

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